Laulasi' ma viie võrra. Õiõ Seto'. Estonie.
Laulasi' ma viie võrra. Õiõ Seto'. Estonie.
Type de document
Audio édité
Cote MCM
Date de parution
Origine géographique
Karavuut (A singing game) 2:47
Repän hanikar'ah (A tale of a grandmother who tried to find a herder to her geese... 4:38
Hällülaul (A swinging song) 1:58
Kiä kua olt tekk ? (A song about making beer) 2:28
Urbõpäiv (Easter ) 1:46
Marjaminek (Let's go to pick berries !) 3:39
Hernes ja uba (A pea and a bean went to swim ) 3:45
Näläne susi ja ims (A story about a hungry wolf ) 1:45
Trill-trill-trilla (Mother sent me to pick berries) 3:45
Hällülaul A swinging song) 2:56
Pulmalaul (A wedding song) 2:05
Kar'alaul (Dear cattle, eat as much you can) 3:13
Naarimäng (It is hard to steal a pig... 2:33
Näiokõnõ, noorõkõnõ (When I was small I sniveled ) 2:59
Os'alaul (Let's go to pick horsetails from the forest) 2:40
Oi, Unto padparitski (A funny song about hooking up with) 1:47
Tenolaul 3:11
Kar'alaul (A call for the village cattle) 2:21
Krõll'o-Miko (A wedding song) 4:14
Mõrs'aikk (A wedding song) 3:39
Langukõsõ' (A wedding song) 4:07
Tsair'o-mair'o (A game of hooking up with) 2:06
Maaselitsa (Seven weeks of lent is coming) 4:23
Kitsõimä poigõga (A tale about a goat and yeanlings who were eaten by a wolf) 3:05
Laulasi' ma viie võrra (A girls mother is dead ) 3:45
Repän hanikar'ah (A tale of a grandmother who tried to find a herder to her geese... 4:38
Hällülaul (A swinging song) 1:58
Kiä kua olt tekk ? (A song about making beer) 2:28
Urbõpäiv (Easter ) 1:46
Marjaminek (Let's go to pick berries !) 3:39
Hernes ja uba (A pea and a bean went to swim ) 3:45
Näläne susi ja ims (A story about a hungry wolf ) 1:45
Trill-trill-trilla (Mother sent me to pick berries) 3:45
Hällülaul A swinging song) 2:56
Pulmalaul (A wedding song) 2:05
Kar'alaul (Dear cattle, eat as much you can) 3:13
Naarimäng (It is hard to steal a pig... 2:33
Näiokõnõ, noorõkõnõ (When I was small I sniveled ) 2:59
Os'alaul (Let's go to pick horsetails from the forest) 2:40
Oi, Unto padparitski (A funny song about hooking up with) 1:47
Tenolaul 3:11
Kar'alaul (A call for the village cattle) 2:21
Krõll'o-Miko (A wedding song) 4:14
Mõrs'aikk (A wedding song) 3:39
Langukõsõ' (A wedding song) 4:07
Tsair'o-mair'o (A game of hooking up with) 2:06
Maaselitsa (Seven weeks of lent is coming) 4:23
Kitsõimä poigõga (A tale about a goat and yeanlings who were eaten by a wolf) 3:05
Laulasi' ma viie võrra (A girls mother is dead ) 3:45
Support physique
Audio - CD
Type d'évènement
Type de captation
Enregistrement Studio
nombre de pages